Follow along in our workbook, and finish with our written online test, and receive your Certificate of Completion in UAV Online Flight Training. UAVs like the Internet are here to stay and will become a major part of our lives. You will learn by watching video lessons from our trained instructors. We start with the basics on beginner UAVs move to Intermediate and finally the more advanced models. National Drone School Offers the Best UAV Flight Training Programs Available. In addition, these new UAS-CTI partners will support the FAA's efforts to expand the aviation workforce of the future while providing additional opportunities for Science Technology Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) students.Drone Course Special! Online UAV Flight-Training Course with Certificate from National Drone School Public two-year colleges that become a UAS-CTI school will be designated as members of the Consortium for Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Technology Training.
This collaboration will ensure that UAS-CTI school graduates have the knowledge and skills needed to pursue a successful career in a UAS-related field. Participating institutions will engage with the FAA, other participants, general industry, local governments, law enforcement, and regional economic development entities to address labor force needs. The FAA will send qualified schools an initial questionnaire to establish eligibility for the program. Accreditation (Secretary of Education approved agency).
Point of contact (Name, title, email and phone). Requests for participation in the UAS- CTI program should be submitted to and include: View the UAS Collegiate Training Initiative Program Briefing Deck ( PDF). Read the UAS Collegiate Training Initiative Program ( PDF). If institutions offer courses in UAS and are working towards a UAS certificate program that provides curriculum covering various aspects of UAS training such as hands-on flight practice, maintenance, uses, applications, privacy concerns, safety, and federal policies concerning UAS, they will be considered for entrance into the UAS-CTI Degree/Certification: To be eligible, schools must currently offer a bachelor’s or associate’s degree in UAS or a degree with a minor, concentration, and/or a certificate in UAS. Accreditation: Must be institutionally accredited by an agency recognized by the U.S. School type: Not-for-profit, two- or four-year, post-secondary educational institutions are eligible. The UAS- CTI program guidelines are as follows: The results of this collaborative working relationship will include a continuous dialogue with stakeholders to connect colleges and universities with general industry, local governments, law enforcement, and regional economic development entities to address labor force needs. Post-secondary institutions with UAS curriculums that want to be recognized as UAS-CTI participants now have the opportunity to apply for this distinction. The Unmanned Aircraft Systems Collegiate Training Initiative (UAS-CTI) is a program designed for universities, colleges, and technical schools by the FAA to recognize institutions that prepare students for careers in drones. The FAA will invite members of this consortium to participate in quarterly meetings and other events with the agency, and we will facilitate the development sharing of best practices through this consortium. Any public two-year institutions of higher education that participate in the UAS-CTI program will also be designated as members of the Consortium for Small Unmanned Aircraft System Technology Training. The Unmanned Aircraft Systems Collegiate Training Initiative (UAS-CTI) Program was launched in April 2020 and addresses the Section 631 requirement of the FAA 2018 Reauthorization Act.
The FAA's 2018 Reauthorization Act required the FAA to establish a collegiate training initiative program relating to unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) or better known as drones. Recreational Flyers & Modeler Community-Based Organizations.Critical Infrastructure & Public Venues.Certificated Remote Pilots including Commercial Operators.Legislation & Policies, Regulations & Guidance.Data & Research Subnav: Data & Research 1.
Airport Safety Information Video Series.Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) Program.Airport Coronavirus Response Grant Program.General Aviation & Recreational Aircraft.Vintage & Experimental Aircraft Program.Aviation Safety Draft Documents Open for Comment.