O K so for reasons why I offer expending Sorcery Points to fuel other mechanics:ĭemonic Messenger: Using Sorcery Points to cast ritual spells seems like a logical extension of meta-magic and allows the Sorcerer a modicum of ability in situations when expending spell slots may not be prudent or needed. You can perform this ability once per Long Rest. You can maintain this form for up to 1 hour, this otherwise functions as per True Polymorph. In addition to this you must expend a number of Sorcery P oints equal to the CR of the chosen form (minimum 1) to fuel the change. As part of a long rest you can undergo a meditation to change this resistance but at the commencement of this meditation you must expend 3 Sorcery Points.ĭemonic Form : You gain the ability to you can transform into a Demon with a challenge rating up to CR9. You gain resistance to one of the following energy types: Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Poison or Thunder. If you have level 4 spell slots you can augment this ritual to Summon Greater Demon by expending 4 Sorcery Points (instead of 3) at the time the ritual is started.ĭemonic Fortitude : You gain the ability to tap into the resilience of a Demon. Summon Ally: When you gain this ability you learn the Summon Lesser Demon Spell but can only perform this as a ritual (requiring 10 mins casting time) and must expend 3 sorcery points at the start of the ritual. When you gain this feature, you also learn Abyssal as a language.

Schooled in the Blood War: When you have a Fiendish Familiar or Quasit summoned you can expend 1 Sorcery Point to gain advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track Fiends, as well as on Intelligence checks to recall information about them, for 1 hour. If you do this the Quasit looks like a tiny version of the Demon you chose. If you have level 2 spell slots you can instead expend 3 Sorcery Points at the start of the ritual and s ummon a Quasit. However, you can only cast it as a ritual and must expend 1 sorcery point at the start of the ritual in addition to its normal material components, once completed you can summon a familiar but only the Fiend version. As part of the power granted to you, you learn the spell Find Familiar. Should you ever meet this individual they will actually be an extremely powerful version of this Demon with a higher CR. This origin is based around you having a Demon from the Abyss involved in your creation, perhaps an ancestor was a warlock in service to the demon and their pact had some small print whereby all their descendants would carry some demonic power, maybe your parents were crazed cultists that asked for a demons blessing at your conception.who knows….ĭemonic Messenger : Choose a Demon of CR 7 or higher to be the Demon fuelling your power. I’m going to use the following hastily thrown together home-brew Sorcerer origin to demonstrate some things I think you could use Sorcery Points for beyond just buffing spells, I make no claim to this being balanced or worth playing, I’m just using it for game mechanic exploration and then there is some justification/explanation for it and a few other option afterwards. I think they are a resource that can be applied to other things aside from meta-magic and the term “Flexible Casting” needs to really live up to its name.

So….what’s your opinion on using sorcery points for things other than creating spell slots and buffing meta magics?.or Shadow Sorcerers casting Darkness.or Draconic Sorcerers gaining resistance….actually does anyone do the Draconic one or do we all just end up home-brewing it so the resistance is always in effect once the Draconic Sorcerer hits 6 level? This is quite a long post so if you find yourself in a TL DR mood today then scroll down to the red text at the bottom where I’ll try to summarize. For a little transparency I should say as a player I’ve never played a Sorcerer and as a DM I’ve only ever used one once as an NPC. I’m not sure if this has been brought up as a topic before but I did a search and couldn’t find anything. Monstrous Compendium Vol 3: Minecraft Creatures